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Rub-a-Dub-Dub the Backyard has a Tub

By Your BathPro Team

May 6, 2022

Bathroom Tips, Bathrooms

When you think about going to a bathroom out of doors, it probably doesn’t bring up images of luxury. More than likely it brings up cringe worthy experiences from the times you’ve had to…ehem…use the port-a-potty. That is never a pleasant experience!

But, many homeowners are now building beautiful landscapes that include outdoor bathrooms. In fact, quite a few are opting to use freestanding bathtubs in their backyards in replacement of a hot tub. One homeowner, Sloan Schang from Portland, OR decided that the cost to install a hot tub in his backyard was too much. Instead, this creative owner found a salvageable clawfoot tub to add his yard. The cost for this backyard addition was only $750.00 (including labor & materials) versus the $6000 it would have cost for the hot tub.

This homeowner is not the only one to think that a clawfoot or stone tub is a better outdoor solution than the hot tub alternative. This choice allows them to drain the water each time too.  People are now designing an outdoor oasis to help alleviate the stress of each day. This homeowner used a terrazzo bathtub as a lovely addition to their backyard garden.

The history of the bath and the benefits of soaking in the tub were first recorded in 3000 B.C. and of course, the Romans are famous for their constructed bathhouses that are still standing today. The modern bathroom has definitely changed. People no longer view a tub as a place to wash up. Now, it’s all about relaxation and taking a long, luxurious soak.

It’s evolved even further because now homeowners want to enjoy the bathtub in the privacy of their backyards while admiring the stars overhead. Or, in the case of this these homeowners admire the view.

What do you think? Would you love a bathtub in your backyard? After viewing these, it might need to be added to the “dream home” to-do list.

Before adding a tub to the backyard, what does the tub inside your home look like? If you can’t stand the idea of taking a soak in your bathtub because of its appearance, it’s time to refinish it. Refinishing will refresh the look, make it brand new, and then you are free to enjoy it for years.

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